Monday 10 September 2018

MySQL: Delete records in one table that are not in another

Last week I looked at how to find records in a table with MySQL that are not in another table and this week look at how to delete records in a table with MySQL that are not in another table.

Example tables

The examples below are the same as in last week's post and use three tables as follows:
content: contains the content pages for a website. The primary key is content_id.
tags: the "tags" that a page is tagged with. The primary key is tag_id.
content_to_tags: a table that creates a many-to-many relationship between the above two tables; a page can belong to multiple tags.


This example deletes records in content_to_tags that have no associated record in content. This could have happened if the application deleted a record from content but didn't delete the associated records from content_to_tags.
DELETE FROM content_to_tags
    SELECT *
    FROM content
    WHERE content_id = content_to_tags.content_id
In a properly ACID compliant database with foreign key constraints there shouldn't be any records in content_to_tagsthat aren't in content but if you haven't set up the constraints (when using INNODB) or are using MyISAM tables then it's quite possible for this to have happened.

Table aliasing

Note that you can't use table aliasing and must use the full table name in the NOT EXISTS part of the query. The following example won't work (the aliased table name is in red):
DELETE FROM content_to_tags ctt
    SELECT *
    FROM tags
    WHERE tag_id = ctt.tag_id
This will result in the error:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ctt
FROM tags
WHERE tag_id = ctt.tag_id
)' at line 1
You probably wouldn't have done this yourself, but I did when I was testing out the queries for this article and got that error so thought it best to share :)

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