Friday, 19 September 2014

Resume or Pause File Uploads in PHP

I have found the Solution for Resume or Pause Uploads. In this Code Snippet it is the Server Side not Client on any Desktop Program you must use byte ranges to calculate the uploaded bytes and missing of total bytes.
Here the PHP Code
$CHUNK = 8192;
try {
if (!($putData = fopen("php://input", "r"))) throw new Exception("Can't get PUT data.");
// now the params can be used like any other variable
// see below after input has finished
$tot_write = 0;
$tmpFileName = "/var/dev/tmp/PUT_FILE";
// Create a temp file
if (!is_file($tmpFileName)) {
fclose(fopen($tmpFileName, "x"));
//create the file and close it
// Open the file for writing
if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFileName, "w"))) throw new Exception("Can't write to tmp file");
// Read the data a chunk at a time and write to the file
while ($data = fread($putData, $CHUNK)) {
$chunk_read = strlen($data);
if (($block_write = fwrite($fp, $data)) != $chunk_read) throw new Exception("Can't write more to tmp file");
$tot_write += $block_write;
if (!fclose($fp)) throw new Exception("Can't close tmp file");
} else {
// Open the file for writing
if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFileName, "a"))) throw new Exception("Can't write to tmp file");
// Read the data a chunk at a time and write to the file
while ($data = fread($putData, $CHUNK)) {
$chunk_read = strlen($data);
if (($block_write = fwrite($fp, $data)) != $chunk_read) throw new Exception("Can't write more to tmp file");
$tot_write += $block_write;
if (!fclose($fp)) throw new Exception("Can't close tmp file");
// Check file length and MD5
if ($tot_write != $file_size) throw new Exception("Wrong file size");
$md5_arr = explode(' ', exec("md5sum $tmpFileName"));
$md5 = $md5sum_arr[0];
if ($md5 != $md5sum) throw new Exception("Wrong md5");
catch (Exception $e) {
echo '', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
? >


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