Monday 2 February 2015

date_default_timezone_set() - PHP


Irrespective of time zone set in php.ini file , we can set the time zone of the server for our script by using date_default_timezone_set() function. 
The list of applicable time zone identifier is available here. 
Here is the sample code to set the time zone. 

echo date_default_timezone_set();

We can set it like this


After setting the time zone , you can read the same by usingdate_default_timezone_get() function.

Setting the time zone in php.ini file

You can set the default time zone at php.ini file. If you are using for first time then search for the line saying

;date.timezone =

Change it to

date.timezone ="Asia/Calcutta";

You can change the area as per your requirement by using time zone identifier .


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