By using FILTER_VALIDATE_INT we can validate variables to check if integer data is present or not. Here is an simple example.$book_id='-41'; // Change this value to get different result
echo " Yes validation passed ";
echo " No validation failed ";
By using filter id of FILTER_VALIDATE_INT the same script can be written asif(filter_var($book_id,257)){
Now let us add one more option where we will assign minimum and maximum acceptable value of the integer. The option is added by using an array$book_id='5'; // Change this value to get different result
if(filter_var($book_id,FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array("options"=>array("min_range"=>-10,
"max_range"=>50)) )){
echo " Yes validation passed ";
echo " No validation failed ";
In the above code we have used Minimum value and Maximum value for validating the integer variable. We can also specify only maximum or only minimum value by changing like this. ( One line only )if(filter_var($book_id,FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array("options"=>array("min_range"=>8)) )){
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