- See the comments in code.
<?php // object with date of birth $bday = new DateTime('15.10.1976'); // day.month.year (or: year-month-day) $now = new DateTime('00:00:00'); // current date-time // object with the difference between $now and $bday (y = year, m = month, d = day) $diff = $now->diff($bday); // output echo sprintf('%d years, %d month, %d days', $diff->y, $diff->m, $diff->d); // 37 years, 2 month, 4 days ?>The following code is similar, calculates the age between two specified dates.
<?php // object with date of birth $bday = new DateTime('15.10.1976'); // day.month.year (or: year-month-day) // object with another specified date (here: 2012-03-01) $d2 = new DateTime('2012-03-01 00:00:00'); // object with the difference between $d2 and $bday (y = year, m = month, d = day) $diff2 = $d2->diff($bday); // output echo '<br>'. $diff2->y .' years, '. $diff2->m .' month, '. $diff2->d .' days'; // 35 years, 4 month, 15 days ?>
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