// Returns an Array with Timestamp of First and Last day of month // Receives the specified $month (number of month) and $year // $year is optional, if it is not specified, uses current year // From: http://coursesweb.net/php-mysql/ function timeFLDayMonth($month, $year = 0) { $tmstp['fd'] = strtotime("$year-$month-01"); $tmstp['ld'] = strtotime('next month', $tmstp['fd']); return $tmstp; }- Example:
<?php // Returns an Array with Timestamp of First and Last day of month // Receives the specified $month (number of month) and $year // $year is optional, if it is not specified, uses current year // From: http://coursesweb.net/php-mysql/ function timeFLDayMonth($month, $year = 0) { $tmstp['fd'] = strtotime("$year-$month-01"); $tmstp['ld'] = strtotime('next month', $tmstp['fd']); return $tmstp; } // Timestamp of 1st and last day of October (month 10) 2012 $tm10_2012 = timeFLDayMonth(10, 2012); var_export($tm10_2012); // array ( 'fd' => 1349042400, 'ld' => 1351724400 ) // Timestamp of 1st and last day of August (month 8), current year $tm8 = timeFLDayMonth(8); var_export($tm8); ?>
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