This function separates the "Name" and "Number", and adds them into two separated arrays, in their order from string.
- See the examples and the comments in code.
Code of the function
/* receives 3 arguments: - $str = the alphanumeric string, - $dlm1 = the character that separates the Name by Number - $dlm2 = the character that separates the pairs of sub-strings: "Name Number" Something like this: "Name[$dlm1]Number[$dlm2]Name[$dlm1]Number" - the delimiter character ($dlm1, and $dlm2) can be any character, for example: space character, dash, dot, comma, :, etc. returns an 2 dimensional array with Names and Numbers from $str, separated in 2 arrays, in their order in string */ function splitNameNumber($str, $dlm1, $dlm2) { // PHP-MySQL course: // array with characters that must be escaped in RegExp pattern $chrs = array('.','(',')','[',']','<','>','?',"'",'^','*','-','+','\\','/'); if(in_array($dlm1, $chrs)) $dlm1 = '\\'.$dlm1; if(in_array($dlm2, $chrs)) $dlm2 = '\\'.$dlm2; // gets an array with the 'Name-Number' sub-strings from $str if(preg_match_all('/([a-z \._\-'. $dlm1 . $dlm2. ']+[0-9]+)/i', $str, $mt)) { $re = array(); // variable for data to return $nrmt = count($mt[0]); // number of matched substrings // traverse the matched sub-strings for($i=0; $i<$nrmt; $i++) { // gets separated the Name and Number, and adds them in $re array if(preg_match('/([a-z \._\-'. $dlm1. ']+)([0-9]+)/i', $mt[0][$i], $mt2)) { $re['name'][$i] = trim($mt2[1], ' '. $dlm1); $re['num'][$i] = $mt2[2]; } } return $re; } else return false; }- Example:
<?php // HERE add the splitNameNumber() function // string with Name and Number separated by dot '.', and the sub-strings separated by comma ',' $str1 = 'PHP-MySQL Course.2013,,'; $split_str1 = splitNameNumber($str1, '.', ','); // text with Name and Number separated by space, and the sub-strings separated by comma ',' $str2 = 'Code Snippets 12, PHP code 2011, Courses 2009'; $split_str2 = splitNameNumber($str2, ' ', ','); // string with Name and Number, and the sub-strings separated by space $str3 = 'PHP_MySQL Tutorials 23 Ajax lessons 9 Web Development 2013'; $split_str3 = splitNameNumber($str3, ' ', ','); // test echo "<pre>// From \$str1 \n"; var_export($split_str1); echo "\n// From \$str2 \n"; var_export($split_str2); echo "\n// From \$str3 \n"; var_export($split_str3); echo '</pre>';Results:
// From $str1 array ( 'name' => array ( 0 => 'PHP-MySQL Course', 1 => '', 2 => '', ), 'num' => array ( 0 => '2013', 1 => '2011', 2 => '2009', ) ) // From $str2 array ( 'name' => array ( 0 => 'Code Snippets', 1 => 'PHP code', 2 => ' Courses', ), 'num' => array ( 0 => '12', 1 => '2011', 2 => '2009', ) ) // From $str3 array ( 'name' => array ( 0 => 'PHP_MySQL Tutorials', 1 => 'Ajax lessons', 2 => 'Web Development', ), 'num' => array ( 0 => '23', 1 => '9', 2 => '2013', ) )
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