Friday, 3 March 2017

Which one is better XML or JSON ?

​ Which one is better XML or JSON ? 8inShare In our daily web application development, we use XML or JSON as data interchange formats; but do we really know when to use XML and JSON. Here in this post i have tried to explain it. XML and JSON both are the data interchange formats accessed over WEB. Both of these formats have their own pros/cons. No one is replacement of other. Use the right tool for the right job. Talking about which one is better, is something related to the applications/requirements...

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

PHP - Assign same value to multiple variables

How can I assign the same value for multiple variables in PHP? I have something like: $var_a = 'A'; $var_b = 'A'; $same_var = 'A'; $var_d = 'A'; $some_var ='A'; In my case, I can't rename all variables to have the same name (that would make things more easy), so is there any way to assign the same value to all variables in a much more compact way? Answer: $var_a = $var_b = $same_var = $var_d = $some_var = 'A';  This can't be used in Php class and this is the raw type. ( Please check it once while using for classes) One more answer: list(...