These two functions show how to create a list of all lines and their occurrences in a given file or string.
* LineStatisticsByFile
* Creates a list with all lines of the given file and their occurrences.
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
function LineStatisticsByFile($Filepath, $IgnoreCase=false, $NewLine="\n"){
if (!file_exists($Filepath)){
$ErrorMsg = 'LineStatisticsByFile error: ';
$ErrorMsg .= 'The given file ' . $Filepath . ' does not exist!';
return LineStatisticsByString(file_get_contents($Filepath), $IgnoreCase, $NewLine);
* LineStatisticsByString
* Creates a list with all lines of the given string and their occurrences.
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
function LineStatisticsByString($Lines, $IgnoreCase=false, $NewLine="\n"){
if (is_array($Lines))
$Lines = implode($NewLine, $Lines);
$Lines = explode($NewLine, $Lines);
$LineArray = array();
// Go trough all lines of the given file
for ($Line=0; $Line < count($Lines); $Line++){
// Trim whitespace for the current line
$CurrentLine = trim($Lines[$Line]);
// Skip empty lines
if ($CurrentLine == '')
// Use the line contents as array key
$LineKey = $CurrentLine;
if ($IgnoreCase)
$LineKey = strtolower($LineKey);
// Check if the array key already exists,
// and increase the counters
if (isset($LineArray[$LineKey]))
$LineArray[$LineKey] += 1;
$LineArray[$LineKey] = 1;
// Sort the array
// Create a new readable array for the output file
$NewLineArray = array();
while(list($LineKey, $LineValue) = each($LineArray)){
$NewLineArray[] = $LineKey . ': ' . $LineValue;
// Return how many lines were counted
return implode("\n", $NewLineArray);
// Count all lines of the "Testfile.txt" and create a
// statistic
$ResultString = LineStatisticsByFile('Testfile.txt');
The ResultString now contains:
LineA: 3
LineB: 2
LineC: 1
$stat = array_count_values(file('test.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES));
or for the case insensitive version,
$stat = array_count_values(array_map('strtolower', file('test.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)));
* LineStatisticsByFile
* Creates a list with all lines of the given file and their occurrences.
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
function LineStatisticsByFile($Filepath, $IgnoreCase=false, $NewLine="\n"){
if (!file_exists($Filepath)){
$ErrorMsg = 'LineStatisticsByFile error: ';
$ErrorMsg .= 'The given file ' . $Filepath . ' does not exist!';
return LineStatisticsByString(file_get_contents($Filepath), $IgnoreCase, $NewLine);
* LineStatisticsByString
* Creates a list with all lines of the given string and their occurrences.
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
function LineStatisticsByString($Lines, $IgnoreCase=false, $NewLine="\n"){
if (is_array($Lines))
$Lines = implode($NewLine, $Lines);
$Lines = explode($NewLine, $Lines);
$LineArray = array();
// Go trough all lines of the given file
for ($Line=0; $Line < count($Lines); $Line++){
// Trim whitespace for the current line
$CurrentLine = trim($Lines[$Line]);
// Skip empty lines
if ($CurrentLine == '')
// Use the line contents as array key
$LineKey = $CurrentLine;
if ($IgnoreCase)
$LineKey = strtolower($LineKey);
// Check if the array key already exists,
// and increase the counters
if (isset($LineArray[$LineKey]))
$LineArray[$LineKey] += 1;
$LineArray[$LineKey] = 1;
// Sort the array
// Create a new readable array for the output file
$NewLineArray = array();
while(list($LineKey, $LineValue) = each($LineArray)){
$NewLineArray[] = $LineKey . ': ' . $LineValue;
// Return how many lines were counted
return implode("\n", $NewLineArray);
// Count all lines of the "Testfile.txt" and create a
// statistic
$ResultString = LineStatisticsByFile('Testfile.txt');
The ResultString now contains:
LineA: 3
LineB: 2
LineC: 1
$stat = array_count_values(file('test.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES));
or for the case insensitive version,
$stat = array_count_values(array_map('strtolower', file('test.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)));
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