Converting Microsoft Access MDB Into CSV Or MySQL In Linux
As it turns out it is actually very easy, there is GPL software available for the job at If you are using Ubuntu or Debian you can use apt-get install the mdbtools package.
To get the list of tables, you run the following command:
mdb-tables database.mdb
You can then get a CSV version for each table using:
mdb-export database.mdb table_name
You can also convert the mdb into a format required by MySQL. First you must get the put the table schema into the database using the following command:
mdb-schema database.mdb | mysql -u username -p database_name
You then import each table by running:
mdb-export -I database.mdb table_name | sed -e 's/)$/)\;/' | mysql -u username -p database_name
Sed is required as mdb-export doesn't put a semi-colon at the end of each insert statement, which MySQL definately doesn't like.
After running this, you can now be rid of the horror that are Access MDB files :)
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