Monday 16 July 2018

Converting a PHP Array to a Query String… And Back Again

Converting a PHP Array to a Query String… And Back Again

This is a scenario I have found myself in many times before; needing to convert a PHP array to a query string for use in a URL or POST request, and vice versa. Today I will discuss both methods and how they can be achieved with the aid of two very useful PHP functions; http_build_query() and parse_str().
Generating a URL query string from a PHP array
For the first part of this post let us take a look at the following PHP array:

  1. $myArray = array(  
  2.     "car"=>"ford",  
  3.     "animal"=>"elephant",  
  4.     "language"=>"php"  
  5. );  
Simple enough right? Just three elements in a single-dimension array. Now lets take a look at how we can convert this to a query string using our first function http_build_query():

  1. echo http_build_query($myArray);  
  3. // Outputs: car=ford&animal=elephant&language=php  
How easy was that! The function also works with multi-dimensional arrays as shown below:

  1. $myArray = array(  
  2.     "car"=>array("ford""vauxhall""dodge"),  
  3.     "animal"=>"elephant",  
  4.     "language"=>"php"  
  5. );  
  7. echo http_build_query($myArray);  
  9. // Outputs: car[0]=ford&car[1]=vauxhall&car[2]=dodge&animal=elephant&language=php  
We can get as simple or as complex as we like but I’ll let you play around with the function to get it working for you. Pretty useful stuff I think you’ll agree?!? Now lets look at the opposite effect of turning our query strings back into an array.
Creating a PHP array based on a query string
For this i want to refer back to the query string we generated in our first example. If you’ve forgotten it looks a little like this:
  1. car=ford&animal=elephant&language=php  
It’s time to welcome our second function of today, parse_str(). Let’s put it in into action:

  1. $queryString = "car=ford&animal=elephant&language=php";  
  3. parse_str($queryString$output);  
  5. print_r($output);  
If done right the output will be a PHP array called $output (note the second parameter we used) containing three elements. We can see this below:
  1. Array  
  2. (  
  3.     [car] => ford  
  4.     [animal] => elephant  
  5.     [language] => php  
  6. )  
So there we have it. In just a couple of lines we’ve gone from an array, to a query string, and back to an array again.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this information i search this information for quite time and finally got this in your blog keep updating like this post
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