Monday 23 July 2018

Export Mysql Database into a CSV File

Export Mysql Database into a CSV File

If you want to export your mysql databases into a csv file here is simple tip for you.
You need to run the following command from your terminal
mysql -u exampleuser -p letmein exampledb -B -e "select * from \`person\`;" | sed ‘s/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/;s/\n//g' > filename.csv
Here is some sample output of the above
And now for the explanation:
Starting with the MySQL command.
The -u option is you need to enter the username
The -p option is you need to enter the password
"exampledb" -- Database name
The -B option will delimit the data using tabs and each row will appear on a new line.
The -e option denotes the command to run once you have logged into the database.
In this case we are using a simple SELECT statement.
Onto sed. The command used here contains three seperate sed scripts:
s/\t/","/g;s/^/"/ ---> this will search and replace all occurences of ‘tabs' and replace them with a ",".
;s/$/"/; ---> This will place a " at the start of the line.
s/\n//g ----> This will place a " at the end of the line.
filename.csv ---> Name of the file you want to export.
After running the result set through sed we redirect the output to a file with a .csv extension.


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