Tuesday 24 July 2018

How To Install Cassandra | 9 Steps For Cassandra Installation

How To Install Cassandra | 9 Steps For Cassandra Installation

1. Objective

In our last Cassandra tutorial, we discussed Cassandra Data Model. Today, we will discuss Cassandra Installation Process. In this article, we will see how to install Cassandra. Moreover, we will discuss pre-requisites for Cassandra Installation. Along with this, we will learn several steps to learn the process of Cassandra Installation and work with Cassandra.
So, let’s start Cassandra Installation Process.
Cassandra Install
How To Install Cassandra – 9 Simple Steps

2. Pre-requisites for Cassandra Installation

Cassandra requires a number of software applications. These applications ensure functioning of Cassandra in different terms. These applications include DataStax Community and JDK(Java Development Kit).

a. DataStax Community

This is an application that is used to support Cassandra. In order to work with Cassandra user has to have DataStax installed in the system. DataStax provides many packages that are needed to perform certain operations. If the user wants to install DataStax community, the user may go to https://academy.datastax.com/planet-cassandra/cassandra link and install DataStax.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – DataStax Community

b. JDK

JDK is an application of Java programming language. It is basically a collection of development kits. These kits operate together to provide necessary tools for Cassandra to function. To install JDK user can use http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk10-downloads-4416644.html link.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – Java Development Kit (JDK)

3. Steps to Install Cassandra

To install Cassandra, the user can use the following steps.
Step 1. Google search for Apache Cassandra. Here, you will find a few links. Click on the link that contains the original Apache Cassandra hyperlink.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – Step 1
Step 2. When you will go through the link in the previous step, the following window will appear. Here a link will be given to download Cassandra. Click on the Download button.
Install Cassandra
Cassandra Installation Process – Step 2
Step 3. The next window will take you to the page where you will find the versions of different Cassandra. The user may choose the latest version of Cassandra to be downloaded.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – Step 3
Step 4. After selecting the version, the next window will be the following. In this window, there is a link to download a compressed file for Cassandra. After clicking on the link, a compressed file of Apache Cassandra will be downloaded.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – Step 4
Step 5. After downloading the compressed file, the user may open the containing folder. The folder will contain the compressed file. This file may be rar file or zip file, as according to the user’s computer details and contained applications. Click on the file to open it.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – Step 5
Step 6. Once the user opens the file, a small window appears. This window contains the content of the compressed file. This window basically is an application to decompress or expand the file. The user may use this window to expand the file. The process of expansion is known as extraction. Click on the ‘Extract to’ button.
Install Cassandra
Cassandra Installation Process – Step 6
Step 7. After clicking on ‘Extract to’ button, the user will see the following window.This window will ask the user to provide the location to extract the files. After selecting the location, click OK.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – Step 7
Step 8. Once the user will click ‘OK’, the files will start extracting at the set location.
Install Cassandra
Install Cassandra – Step 8
Step 9. Once the files are extracted, the user may access them from the location.The folder showed in the following image contains all the libraries in Cassandra Database.
Install Cassandra
Cassandra Installation Process – Step 9
This folder contains libraries. The user can access these using DataStax Community and JDK. To provide code to operate Cassandra, the user can open DataStax.
So, this was all about the process to install Cassandra. Hope you like our explanation.

4. Conclusion

In this Cassandra Installation tutorial, we have seen the complete process to Install Cassandra in 9 simple steps. Next, we will discuss CQLSH in Cassandra. Still, if any doubt regarding Install Cassandra Process, ask in the comment tab.


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