Wednesday, 25 July 2018

MySQL: Configured and Enable FEDERATED engine (Part 2/4)

In the previous post, I shared a basic theory on the FEDERATED Table Engine.
As earlier I discussed that, FEDERATED Engine is not by default enabled so In this post; I am giving basic commands to enable and configure FEDERATED Table Engine.
First Check FEDERATED engine is available or not:
MySQL Show Engines
Using above commands, we can get all available engines.
In the above image, you cannot find a FEDERATED engine, so we need to install it.
Command to enable federated engine.
Now check all engines details:
MySQL Federated Engine
In the above result, we can find a new entry of FEDERATED engine, but still, it is OFF.
To enable this, we need to add a federated line into my.cnf file
Command to open my.cnf file:
Write federated into this file:
Restart Mysqld:
Now check all engines details and find FEDERATED engine is ON:

MySQL Federated Engine ON


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