Friday, 13 July 2018

MySQL INSERT IGNORE Statement Explained

MySQL INSERT IGNORE Statement Explained?

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL INSERT IGNORE statement to insert data into a table.

Introduction to MySQL INSERT IGNORE statement

When you use the INSERT statement to add some rows to a table and if an error occurs during the processing, MySQL will abort the INSERT statement and return an error. As the result, no rows are inserted into the table.
However, if you use the INSERT IGNORE statement, the rows that cause the errors are ignored and the remaining rows are inserted into the table.
The syntax of the INSERT IGNORE statement is as follows:
Note that the IGNORE clause is an extension of MySQL to the SQL standard.


We will create a new table called subscribers for the demonstration.
The UNIQUE constraint ensures that no duplicate email exists in the email column.
The following statement inserts a new row into the  subscribers table:
It worked as expected.
Let’s execute another statement that inserts two rows into the  subscribers table:
It returns an error.
As indicated in the error message, the email violates the UNIQUE constraint.
However, if you use the INSERT IGNORE statement instead.
MySQL returned a message indicating that one row was inserted and the other row was ignored.
To find the detail of the warning, you can use the SHOW WARNINGS command as shown below:

In conclusion, when you use the INSERT IGNORE statement, instead of issuing an error, MySQL issued a warning in case an error occurs.
If you query data from subscribers table, you will find that only one row was actually inserted and the row that causes the error was not.
MySQL INSERT IGNORE - subscribers table


When the strict mode is on, MySQL returns an error and aborts the INSERT statement if you try to insert invalid values into a table.
However, if you use the INSERT IGNORE statement, MySQL will issue a warning instead of an error. In addition, it will try to adjust the values to make them valid before adding the value to the table.
Consider the following example.
First, we create a new table named tokens:
In this table, the column s accepts only string whose lengths are less than or equal to six.
Second, insert a string whose length is seven into the tokens table.
MySQL issued the following error because the strict mode is on.
Third, use the INSERT IGNORE statement to insert the same string.
MySQL truncated data before inserting it into the tokens table. In addition, it issues a warning.

In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the MySQL INSERT IGNORE statement to insert rows into a table and ignore error for rows that cause errors.


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