Friday, 13 July 2018

PHP MySQL: Update Data

PHP MySQL: Update Data?

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to update data in a MySQL table using PHP PDO prepared statement.
We are going to use the tasks table in the sample database for practicing. If you have not yet created the tasks table, please follow the PHP MySQL create table tutorial to complete it first.
The following picture illustrates the structure of the tasks table.
PHP MySQL Update : Tasks table
To update data in a table, you use the following steps:
  • First, connect to the MySQL database by creating a new PDO object.
  • Second, construct an UPDATE statement to update data. If you want to pass values to the UPDATEstatement, you use the named placeholders such as :name.
  • Third, call the execute()  method of the PDOStatement object with an array that contains the corresponding input values of the named placeholders specified in the UPDATE statement.

PHP MySQL: update data example

PHP MySQL – update a single row

Let’s take a look at the following UpdateDataDemo class.
How the script works.
  • First, connect to the database by creating a new PDO instance in the constructor of the UpdateDataDemo class.
  • Second, in the update() method, construct the UPDATE statement with named placeholders.
  • Third, use a prepared statement to prepare the UPDATE statement for the execution and execute it with an array argument.
you can update a row with id 2 using the following script:
You can query data from the tasks table to verify the update:

You can download the code via the following link:

PHP MySQL – update rows in related tables

There are three ways to update rows in related tables:
  • Use the MySQL UPDATE JOIN statement.
  • Use multiple UPDATE statements inside a transaction.
We will examine the second way in the PHP MySQL transaction tutorial.
In this tutorial, you have learned how to update data in the MySQL table using the PHP PDO prepared statement.


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