Friday, 13 July 2018

Updating Data in MySQL Using JDBC PreparedStatement

Updating Data in MySQL Using JDBC PreparedStatement?

In this tutorial, you will learn how to update data in MySQL database using JDBC PreparedStatement interface.
The PreparedStatement interface extends the Statement interface that provides some more advanced features as follows:
  • Add parameters into you SQL statement using placeholders in the form of question marks (?). This helps you avoid SQL injection.
  • Reuse the PreparedStatement with new parameters in case you need to execute the SQL statement multiple times with different parameters.
  • Help increase performance of the executed statement by precompiling the SQL statement.
We will use the PreparedStatement to update last names of candidates in the candidates table.
First, you open a connection to MySQL database by reusing the utility class named MySQLJDBCUtil that we developed in the previous tutorial.
Second, you construct a SQL UPDATE statement and create PreparedStatement object by calling the prepareStatement() method of the Connection object. The prepareStatement() method accepts various parameters. In this example, you pass in a string which is a SQL statement.
Notice that there are two question marks (?) as the placeholders for last_name and id fields.
Third, you supply values for the placeholders one-by-one by using setYYY() method of the PreparedStatement interface where YYY is the data type of the placeholder. For example, you want to update last name of candidate with id 100 to William , you can set the values for the placeholders as follows:
Fourth, you send the UPDATE statement with the values for the placeholders to MySQL by calling executeUpdate() method of the PreparedStatement interface. This method takes no arguments and returns the number of row affected.
In case you want to reuse the PreparedStatement , you need to populate new values for the placeholders and call the method executeUpdate() again. For example, if you want to update the last name of candidate with id 101 to Grohe , you can do it as follows:
As always, you should close the PreparedStatement by calling its close() method.
In case you use the try-with-resources statement, you don’t have to explicitly do this. The following illustrates the complete example of using PreparedStatement to update data.
Before executing the program, let’s examine the current candidates with id 100 and 101 in the mysqljdbc database:
The result of the query is as follows:
By executing the Java program above, you will see the following output:

If you execute the SELECT statement again, you will see that the changes have been applied to the candidates table.

It is important to note that you can use any statement such as SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, etc with PreparedStatement interface.
In this tutorial, we have shown you how to update data in MySQL using JDBC PrepareStatement interface.


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