Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Using Inner Cursor in MySQL

Using Inner Cursor in MySQL

In MySQL,  inner cursor ( which means Cursor inside another Cursor) does not work properly for stored procedures. So you can use “BLOCK” in such situations.  
For example, if you want to create a stored procedure to iterate through all the records of a Master table and update related records in the Child table, the following code snippet can help you do so

  Declare the Master Cursor here......



                         OPEN  MasterCursor; 


                        FETCH ..........                                                                                   

                        BLOCK2: BEGIN

Declare the Child Cursor here......



                                    OPEN ChildCursor;


                                                 FETCH ....................................


                                                UNTIL .... END REPEAT; 

                                    CLOSE ChildCursor; 

                        END BLOCK2; 

                        UNTIL ... END REPEAT; 

                        CLOSE MasterCursor; 

            END BLOCK1;


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