Tuesday 28 August 2018

Mysql does not return the results, otherwise the statement, but the INDEX table or something

I think my question was a little confusing.....It confused me :)

Working on a media site as a take-over project and it has a custom CMS. The client wants the ability to activate/deactivate media....sort of like Wordpress's publish/unpublish feature.
Instead of digging through all the code looking for mysql queries (which I'm not opposed to), I was wondering if you can add a sort of INDEX to a table that won't let it return result rows if that rows "active" column = let's say 0.
Just trying to be lazy and learn something at the same time, heh.
I don't need examples of queries to make it happen, btw.

What you describe is called a "view". Here is a page describing how to create them in MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/create-view.html. However, in most cases you will still have to alter your code to use the view instead of the table.


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