Tuesday, 28 August 2018

MySQL Stored Procedure Does Not Return Correct Results

I have a stored procedure that checks if a user exists already, regardless of the input used for the email it comes back with the first line in the database. If I run the select statements manually I get the correct results. Any suggestions why?

CREATE DEFINER=`myusername`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `User_Auth`(IN `Email` VARCHAR(30))
    DECLARE User_ID INT(30);
        SELECT `User ID` INTO User_ID FROM `Users` WHERE `Email` = Email LIMIT 1;

    IF (User_ID > 0) THEN
        SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `User ID` = User_ID;
        SELECT concat('No Users Found: ', Customer_Name);
    END IF;

Your problem no doubt lies here:
SELECT `User ID` INTO User_ID FROM `Users` WHERE `Email` = Email LIMIT 1;

To whit; your parameter name is the same as your column name. That can actually work, but the rules to make it do so can be weird. (I think if you switched the quotes around, it might work).
But really, what you should do is rename the Email parameter to something else:
CREATE DEFINER=`myusername`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `User_Auth`(IN `EmailAddress` VARCHAR(30))
    DECLARE User_ID INT(30);
        SELECT `User ID` INTO User_ID FROM `Users` WHERE `Email` = EmailAddress  LIMIT 1;

    IF (User_ID > 0) THEN
        SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `User ID` = User_ID;
        SELECT concat('No Users Found: ', Customer_Name);
    END IF;


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