Thursday, 30 August 2018

php arrays: search for corresponding values ​​in a table and replace them with array keys

Please i want to loop through my table and compare values with an array in a php included file. If there is a match, return the array key of the matched item and replace it with the value of the table. I need help in returning the array keys from the include file and comparing it with the table values.

    $myarray = array(
    "33ccr"=>"wood" );

in my loop in a seperate file
      include '';
      while($row = $db->fetchAssoc()){
      foreach($row as $key => $val)
         if $val has a match in
             $val = str_replace($val,my_array_key);


So in essence, if my db table has hammer and wood, $val will produce 12aaa and 3ccr in the loop. Any help? Thanks a lot

You are looking for array_search which will return the key associated with a given value, if it exists.
$result = array_search( $val, $myarray );
if ($result !== false) {
  $val = $result;


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