I'm running into a few issues when trying to decode this JSON multidimensional array using PHP:
{"maxlength":null,"value":"$prefix","options_hash":{" Mr. ":"Mr."," Mrs. ":"Mrs."}},
I printed out the array using var_export so I could better understand the structure:
array (
'123456' =>
array (
'info' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'maxlength' => NULL,
'value' => '$Name',
'options_hash' => NULL,
1 =>
array (
'maxlength' => NULL,
'value' => '$prefix',
'options_hash' =>
array (
' Mr. ' => 'Mr.',
' Mrs. ' => 'Mrs.',
All I'm trying to do is print the value within the array within info, $Name and $Prefix.
I tried using a foreach loop, but I'm a bit confused on how it should be structured:
foreach ($json["123456"] as $info)
$array = $info["info"];
foreach($array as $values)
echo $values["value"];
Array items are accessed by [], object items by ->
$jsonStr= '{"123456": {"info":[
{"maxlength":null,"value":"$prefix","options_hash":{" Mr. ":"Mr."," Mrs. ":"Mrs."}}
$json = json_decode($jsonStr);
foreach ($json as $level1) { // this will give us everything nested to the same level as 123456
foreach($level1 as $info) { // this will give us everything nested to the same level as info
foreach($info as $values) { // this will give us each of the items in the info array
echo $values->value; // this prints out the $Name and $prefix
// if you really want to start in a level
foreach($json->{'123456'} as $info) { // this will give us everything nested to the same level as info
foreach($info as $values) { // this will give us each of the items in the info array
echo $values->value; // this prints out the $Name and $Prefix
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