Tuesday 14 August 2018

Using SSH and Unix commands

Having some basic knowledge of SSH and Unix commands is very useful. Developed in 1995, SSH (Secure Shell) was created as a secure alternative to Telnet. Telnet is a protocol allowing for command line access to a Unix, Linux or FreeBSD based remote computer. I’ve listed some basic commands to get you familiar with them.
The cd command is used to move to a specific directory.
The cp command will copy the file or folder from the source, to the destination.
mkdir creates a directory.
The rmdir command deletes a directory.
The rm command deletes a file.
The mv command will rename or move a file stated in the first portion to the name or location stated in the second portion.
This command will tar zip the files in the directory specified in the second portion into a tar file specified in the first portion.
The tar -xvf will extract all files from the tarball specified into the directory you are currently in.
This will create a zip file, with the name specified in the first portion from the file or directory listed in the second portion.
This command will unzip or un pack the named zip file, into the directory you’re currently in.
The Ls command lists files, and folders within the directory you specify
This will add a forward slash to the directory names within the directory you specify
This will show “hidden” files in the directory you specify
This command shows detailed info about each file in the directory you specify.
Also, a lightweight, freeware application which supports SSH commands for windows is PuTTY if you aren’t on a MAC.


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