Tuesday 4 September 2018

Left Outer Join does not get any results

I want to join the tables which would have all values from the table Portal_Order alongwith other matching values from other tables. LEft outer Join returns no values

Query :
With Max_Date As (Select Max(Change_Date) Change_Date, Ocoe_Job_Id
From Ocoe_Job_Status Where Ocoe_Job_Id In
(Select Ocoe_Job_Id From Portal_Order Where To_Char(Created_Date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
Between ( Select To_Char(Sysdate-1000,'YYYY-MM-DD') From Dual)
And ( Select To_Char(Sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') From Dual)  )
Group By Ocoe_Job_Id) 

Select Order_Id, Order_Name, Order_Desc, B.Description As Order_Status, C.Ocoe_Job_Id, C.Comments
As Communication_Id , Communication_Name, Created_By, Count(*) Over () As Total_Record_Count, Row_Number()
Over ( Order By Order_Id ) Row_Number
From  Max_Date D,
Ocoeowner.Portal_Order A
Left Outer Join Ocoeowner.Ocoe_Job_Status C On C.Ocoe_Job_Id =A.Ocoe_Job_Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN Ocoeowner.Portal_Order_Status_Code_Lk B on A.Order_Status = B.Status_Code
 Where To_Char(Created_Date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
Between ( Select To_Char(Sysdate-1000,'YYYY-MM-DD') From Dual) And ( Select To_Char(Sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') From Dual)
And C.Ocoe_Job_Id = D.Ocoe_Job_Id And D.Change_Date = C.Change_Date AND communication_name='ptuletters';

The predicate condition needs to be in the On clause for the join, not in the where clause. The way Outer joins work, is after the join conditions are analyzed, all the rows from the "outer side" that do not match the inner side are added back in.... But this all happens before the where clause is processed. So if the where clause predicate filters on an attribute from the outer side of an outer join, all those rows will be removed again... (They are all null). Put the predicate in the join condition instead
And C.Ocoe_Job_Id = D.Ocoe_Job_Id And D.Change_Date = C.Change_Date

has to be moved, and may be too AND communication_name='ptuletters', depending of the source table


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