I need some help with LEFT Join
first db is "fpo"
second db is "users"
I need to total the "amount" in fpo for each user and compare the total to the amount from users.
This is the code i have now that is NOT working.
$result = mysqli_query($con,
"select fpo.amount , fpo.empnum , user.amount , user.fpo SUM(amount)
FROM LEFT JOIN fpo ON fpo.empnum = users.empnum GROUP BY empnum");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo $row['empnum'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['amount'];
For some reason this is not working.... What am i doing wrong i have never worked with JOIn command.
Here is what the data looks like in mysql
**first db is "fpo"** id----empnum-----amount-----date-------ponum 1-----854245-----5.00------9/7/14------12345 2-----123987-----8.00------9/7/14------12345 3-----123987-----5.00------9/7/14------12345 4-----854245-----15.00-----9/7/14------12345 5-----548798-----10.00-----9/7/14------12345 6-----854245-----30.00-----9/7/14------12345 **second db is "users"** id----amount-----empid----username----password 1-----700.00-----854245---admin-------abc123 2-----500.00-----123987---admin-------abc123 3-----200.00-----548798---admin-------abc123
What i am trying to do is
From fpo where empnum (note:from fpo) = empnum (note:from users) then echo the summed amount with the empnumber and the amount from the users table.
I need to do this for everyone in the users db. I have about 150 people in there right now.....
Thank you for your time and help!!! Probably a simple problem :(
You're not echoing the summed amount,
is the amount of a single row, you want $row['SUM(amount)']
. I suggest you give it an alias to make it easier to access:$result = mysqli_query($con,"select f.amount , u.empid , u.amount ,
u.fpo, SUM(u.amount) AS total
FROM users AS u
LEFT JOIN fpo AS f ON f.empnum = u.empid
GROUP BY u.empid") or die(mysqli_error($con));
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo $row['empnum'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['total'];
You were also missing the comma before
, the table name after FROM
, and you need to qualify amount
with the table name because both tables have a column named amount
. You also had user.empnum
in your ON
clause, but that column is users.empid
You should select and group by the column from
, not fpo
, because LEFT JOIN
can return rows where the columns from fpo
are NULL
if there's no match for users.empid
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