Friday 2 November 2018

Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

This should be dead simple, but I cannot get it to work for the life of me.
I'm just trying to connect remotely to my MySQL server.
connecting as
mysql -u root -h localhost -p  
works fine, but trying
mysql -u root -h 'any ip address here' -p
fails with the error
ERROR 1130 (00000): Host '''' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
In the mysql.user table, there is exactly the same entry for user 'root' with host 'localhost' as another with host '%'.
I'm at my wits' end, and have no idea how to proceed. Any ideas are welcome.


Possibly a security precaution. You could try adding a new administrator account:
mysql> CREATE USER 'monty'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'monty'@'localhost'
mysql> CREATE USER 'monty'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'monty'@'%'
Although as Pascal and others have noted it's not a great idea to have a user with this kind of access open to any IP. If you need an administrative user, use root, and leave it on localhost. For any other action specify exactly the privileges you need and limit the accessibility of the user as Pascal has suggest below.
From the MySQL FAQ:
If you cannot figure out why you get Access denied, remove from the user table all entries that have Host values containing wildcards (entries that contain '%' or '_' characters). A very common error is to insert a new entry with Host='%' and User='some_user', thinking that this allows you to specify localhost to connect from the same machine. The reason that this does not work is that the default privileges include an entry with Host='localhost' and User=''. Because that entry has a Host value 'localhost' that is more specific than '%', it is used in preference to the new entry when connecting from localhost! The correct procedure is to insert a second entry with Host='localhost' and User='some_user', or to delete the entry with Host='localhost' and User=''. After deleting the entry, remember to issue a FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement to reload the grant tables. See also Section 5.4.4, “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”.

My error message was similar and said 'Host XXX is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server' even though I was using root. Here's how to make sure that root has the correct permissions.
My setup:
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • MySQL v5.5.37
  1. Open up the file under 'etc/mysql/my.cnf'
  2. Check for:
    • port (by default this is 'port = 3306')
    • bind-address (by default this is 'bind-address ='; if you want to open to all then just comment out this line. For my example, I'll say the actual server is on
  3. Now access the MySQL Database on your actual server (say your remote address is at port 3306 as user 'root' and I want to change permissions on database 'dataentry'. Remember to change the IP Address, Port, and database name to your settings)
    mysql -u root -p
    Enter password: <enter password>
    mysql>GRANT ALL ON *.* to root@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'put-your-password';
  4. sudo service mysql restart
  5. You should now be able to remote connect to your database. For example, I'm using MySQL Workbench and putting in 'Hostname:', 'Port:3306', 'Username:root'

Just perform the following steps:
1) Connect to mysql
mysql -uroot -p
2) Create user
CREATE USER 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
3) Grant permissions
4) Flush priviledges

If you modify the grant tables manually (using INSERT, UPDATE, etc.), you should execute a FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement to tell the server to reload the grant tables.
PS: I wouldn't recommend to allow any host to connect for any user (especially not the root use). If you are using mysql for a client/server application, prefer a subnet address. If you are using mysql with a web server or application server, use specific IPs.

If you happen to be running on Windows; A simple solution is to run the MySQL server instance configuration wizard. It is in your MYSQL group in the start menu. On the second from last screen click the box that says "allow root access from remote machines".

Most of the answers here show you creating users with two host values: one for localhost, and one for %.
Please note that except for a built-in localhost user like root, you don't need to do this. If you simply want to make a new user that can log in from anywhere, you can use
CREATE USER 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';
GRANT <whatever privileges are appropriate> ON <relevant tables> TO myuser;
and it will work just fine. (As others have mentioned, it's a terrible idea to grant administrative privileges to a user from any domain.)

Well what you can do is just open mysql.cfg file and you have to change Bind-address to this
bind-address =
and then Restart mysql and you will able to connect that server to this.
Look this you can have idea form that.

I was also facing the same issue. I resolved it in 2 min for me I just white list ip through cpanel
Suppose you are trying to connect database of server B from server A. Go to Server B Cpanel->Remote MySQL-> enter Server A IP Address and That's it.

On the off chance that someone facing this issue is experiencing it from within SQLyog, this happened:
I had connected to the remote database (from within SQLyog) and worked for some hours. Afterwards I left the system for some minutes, then came back to continue my work - ERROR 1130 ! Nothing I tried worked; Restarting SQLyog didn't fix it. Then I restarted the system - it still didn't work.
So I tried connecting from the terminal - it worked. Then retried it on SQLyog ... and it worked. I can't explain it other than 'random computer quirkiness', but I think it might help someone.


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