As experts on Git and version control, we get asked a lot about these topics. In the hope that some of the answers are helpful for you, too, we've compiled some frequently asked questions around Git and version control below.
- Understanding the difference between "Fetch" and "Pull"
- Editing / fixing the last commit's message
- Undoing the last commit
- Undoing a specific old commit
- Restoring a previous version of your project
- Ignoring a file that has already been committed to the repository
- Fixing & solving merge conflicts
- Tracking a remote branch
- Changing the author (name / email) of a commit
- Adding an empty folder to a repository
- Deleting branches in Git
- Deleting commits in Git
- Understanding the "detached HEAD" state in Git
- Handling large files with Git LFS
- Using rebase as an alternative to git merge
- Using the Stash to save changes temporarily
- Merging branches in Git
- Checking out a remote branch
- Downloading remote data with git fetch
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