Thursday 1 August 2019


for screening, filtering, and extracting rows and columns of text tables


print column 3 and 4 of file 'table.txt'
awk '{ print $3, $4 }' table.txt    

file input/output: read from file 'table.txt' and write to file 'newTable.txt'
awk < table.txt '{ print $3, $4 }' > newTable.txt   

to use in a pipe
cat table.txt | awk '{ print $3, $4 }' > newTable.txt

print only columns 3 and 4 when column 3 contains "gene123"
awk '$3=="gene123"{ print $3, $4}' table.txt
print complete line when column 3 contains "gene123"
awk '$3=="gene123"' table.txt

print complete line when column 3 contains NOT "NA" (alternatively use grep, see below) awk '$3!="NA"' table.txt

print lines in which the ratio between columns 4 and 5 is smaller than 0.4

awk '$4/$5<0.4' table.txt
print columns separated by tab
change output field separator (OFS) to tabular "\t", instead of using space by default
additionally, fix also input field separator (-F) to tabular "\t", in case of empty fields  
awk -F"\t" '$3=="gene123"{OFS = "\t"; print $3, $4}' table.txt
switch column 3 and 4
awk '{tmp=$3; $3=$4; $4=tmp}; {print }' 
switch only in lines where field 3 is larger than field 4
awk '$3>$4{tmp = $3; $3=$4; $4=tmp;}; {print }' 
print columns in any specific order
awk '{ print $2, $1, $4, $3 }'

For extracting columns from text files, see also: cut

combine multiple conditions
AND operator: &&
awk '$3=="gene01" && $4>95 { print $3, $4}' table.txt
OR operator: ||
awk '$3=="gene01" || $3=="gene02" { print $3, $4}' table.txt

Count number of columns in each line
# file separator 'FS' can be replaced by any column separator FS="\t" or FS="|" or  FS=":" ...
awk '{ FS = "\t" } ; { print NF}'  table.txt

Sum and mean average of numbers in column 2
awk 'BEGIN{C=0}; {C=C+$2}; END{print C "\t" C/NR}' table.csv 2345 56

For getting word frequencies, see also: uniq -c

Remove lines

using sed or grep

# remove all empty lines (d - delete)
sed '/^$/d' textfile.txt > new.txt

# remove all lines containing 'NA'
grep -vw NA textfile.txt > new.txt

# remove all lines that contain multiple strings from the unwanted word list file
grep -Fwf unwanted_word_list.txt -v textfile.txt > new.txt
  -w search for full word, not substring
  -F read pattern as plain text, not interpreting special characters as regular expressions
  -f read pattern from file
  -v keep non-matching lines (remove lines that contain the searched word)


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