Tuesday, 30 July 2019

How to Find a List Item at a Specified Position in MySQL

In MySQL, you can use the ELT() function to return a list item at a given position in the list.
The syntax goes like this:
Where N is the position of the item you want to return, and str1,str2,str3,... is the list.


Here’s an example:
SELECT ELT(3, 'Marge', 'Homer', 'Bart') AS 'Who is at 3?';
| Who is at 3? |
| Bart         |
In this case we specify that we want to return the 3rd item in the list (because the first argument is 3) . And in this case the list is 'Marge', 'Homer', 'Bart', so the 3rd item is Bart.


Here’s an example containing numbers:
SELECT ELT(3, 9, 8, 7) AS 'The 3rd item is...';
| The 3rd item is... |
| 7                  |

Database Example

Here’s an example where I match up the results of a database query to a list of values:
    ELT(GenreId, 'Rock', 'Jazz', 'Country') AS Genre 
FROM Genres;
| GenreId | Genre   |
|       1 | Rock    |
|       2 | Jazz    |
|       3 | Country |
|       4 | NULL    |
|       5 | NULL    |
|       6 | NULL    |
|       7 | NULL    |
|       8 | NULL    |
In this case there were more results than I included as parameters, therefore, those results are NULL.
The ELT() function is a complement to the FIELD() function, that allows you to find the index position of a given item in a list.


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