Monday, 26 August 2019

MySQL uses WITH ROLLUP instead of ROLLUP .

SELECT country, product, sum(profit) FROM sales GROUP BY country, product WITH ROLLUP; Before applying ROLLUP (left) vs ROLLUP applied (right) countryproductsum (profit) countryproductsum (profit) FinlandComputer1500 FinlandComputer1500 FinlandPhone110 FinlandPhone110 IndiaCalculator150 FinlandNULL1610 IndiaComputer1200 IndiaCalculator150 USACalculator125 IndiaComputer1200 USAComputer4200 IndiaNULL1350 USATV250 USACalculator125     USAComputer4200     USATV250     USANULL4575     NULLNULL7535 ROLLUP...

Getting Advanced Row Counts in MySQL

 In today’s follow-up, we’ll use the COUNT() function in more sophisticated ways to tally unique values as well as those which satisfy a condition. Distinct Counts The COUNT(DISTINCT) function returns the number of rows with unique non-NULL values. Hence, the inclusion of the DISTINCT keyword eliminates duplicate rows from the count. Its syntax is: COUNT(DISTINCT expr,[expr...]) As with the regular COUNT() function, the expr parameters above can be any given expression, including specific columns, all columns (*), function return...


Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL ROLLUP to generate multiple grouping sets. Introduction to SQL ROLLUP The ROLLUP is an extension of the GROUP BY clause. The ROLLUP option allows you to include extra rows that represent the subtotals, which are commonly referred to as super-aggregate rows, along with the grand total row. By using the ROLLUP option, you can use a single...