CD stands for Chang Directory. This command is used to change the current directory to another directory. In one way we can say, this command is used to navigate within the directories.
The above output represents that our presently working directory is admin under root directory(/ ).
For suppose we created a directory under this admin directory
$ mkdir abclearn
Created a directory with the name of abclearn.
Actually, when any command is executed that will effected in the current directory only. So it is necessary to move from current directory (/admin) to newly created directory. Then we can use CD command.
.. to change from this path to new directroy
$ cd abclearn
.. now the path is changed to abclearn. So, we can work in this directory.
CD command having some of attributes
CD / which moves to the root directory
CD .. moves to the parent directory of the current directory.
For example
$cd ..
The meaning above command is that the current directory path is changed from abclearn to its parent directory admin.
$cd abclear
$ pwd
This command specifies that from admin directory the path is moved to its child directory called abclearn.
$ cd /
It moved the current directory path to its root directory.
It is possible
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