Thursday 1 August 2019

Linux - File Commands

To create files, you should use a UNIX text editor such as pico, emacs
or vi.

Listing Files

The see a listing of files and directories, you can use the following command:
common options:
List all entries; in the absence of this option, entries whose names begin with a “.” are not listed.
-lList in long format, giving mode, number of links,owner, size in bytes, and time of last modification for each file.
-RRecursively list subdirectories encountered.
-FMark directories with a trailing slash (/), executable files with a trailing asterisk (*) and symbolic links with a trailing at-sign
For a full listing of the options available for use with the ls command, see the man
pages. Type:
    man ls
    Example: ls -al

Removing Files

To remove a file, you can use the following command:
    rm <filename>
common options:
-iInteractive.With this option, rm prompts for confirmation before removing any write-protected files.
-rRecursively remove directories and subdirectories in the argument list. The directory will be emptied of files and removed.
    Example: rm -i homework1
NOTE: To delete a file starting with a “-“, type rm - -<filename>

Viewing Files

To view files, you should use a pager such as more or less. Both commands will display the contents of the file, one screenful at a time. less, however, allows backswards movement within the file as well.
    more <filename>
    Example: more quiz1
    Example: less quiz1

Copying Files

To make a copy of a file, you can use the following command:
    cp <filename> <filename>
common options:
-iInteractive. cp will prompt for confirmation whenever the copy would overwrite an existing target.
-rIf filename is a directory, cp will copy the directory and all its files, including any subdirectories and their files; target must be a directory.
    Example: cp essay1 essay2

Moving and Renaming Files

To rename a file, you can use the following command:
    mv <filename> <filename>
common options:
-iInteractive. mv will prompt for confirmation whenever the move would overwrite an existing target.
    Example: mv program1 program2

Determining File Formats

To determine the format of a file, you can use the following command:
    file <filename>
    Example: file project1

Comparing Files

To compare two files, you can use the following command:
    diff <filename> <filename>
    Example: diff lecture1 lecture1b

Concatenating Files

To combine two or more files, you can use the following command:
    cat <file1> <file2> ><file3>
    Example: cat homework1 homework2 >homework3
This will concatenate homework1 and homework2, then
write the results to homework3.


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