Friday, 2 August 2019

Linux - WC Command

WC Command Examples

Practical purpose:
Most of the times, when we work with scripting programs,
we might encounter with a requirement of counting the number of lines of a file for writing the logic. We may want to count the lines/words/characters of a command output.
This kind of requirements are best addressed by “wc command”.

wc command syntax:
wc file-name
wc file-name1 file-name2

Checking the lines,words and characters in a file:
[rreddy@abclearn abclearn_dir1]$ wc  abclearn_lab1.txt
1 7 42 abclearn_lab1.txt

From the output,
1st column represents number of line in file
2nd column represents number of words in file
3rd column represents number of characters in file.

Counting the words in a file or in a content:
[rreddy@abclearn abclearn_dir1]$ wc -w abclearn_lab1.txt
7 abclearn_lab1.txt

Counting the lines in a file or in an output:
[rreddy@abclearn abclearn_dir1]$ wc -l abclearn_lab4.txt
15 abclearn_lab4.txt

We can also count number of line in more than one file, also.
[rreddy@abclearn abclearn_dir1]$ wc -l abclearn_lab4.txt abclearn_lab3.txt
15 abclearn_lab4.txt
8 abclearn_lab3.txt
23 total

Printing the byte counts of the file:
By using "-c" option with wc command we can print the byte counts of a particular file.
[rreddy@abclearn abclearn_dir1]$ wc -c abclearn_lab4.txt
1816 abclearn_lab4.txt

Printing the length of largest line:
By using "-L" option with wc command we can print the length of largest line of a particular file.
[rreddy@abclearn abclearn_dir1]# wc -L  abclearn_lab4.txt
79 abclearn_lab4.txt

Example -6:
Printing the new line count or Line count:
By using "-l" option with wc command we can print the new line (/n or enter) count of the particular file.
[rreddy@abclearn abclearn_dir1]$ wc -l abclearn_lab4.txt
39 abclearn_lab4.txt


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