The file system hierarchy is inverted tree file system hierarchy. This type of hierarchy represents all the files and file systems under the single directory called ‘/’.
The file systems present in the Linux operating system after installing the operating system are as follows:
It is called as a root directory. The entire filesystems reside under this directory.
It is the root user’s home directory. It contains documents, downloads etc.,
It is the home directory for the normal users. For example, there is a user called raj his home directory by default is /home/raj.
The normal user/s individual home directories are created under /home by default.
This directory contains bootable files. Like VMlinuZ ,initrd etc.
This directory contains the complete configuration files like passwd, shadow, hosts etc.,
This is the default directory for all the software installations.
This is the directory for the third party software.
This directory contains the commands used by all users. These commands are binary executable files
This directory contains the commands used by the root user only. These commands are super user binary executable files.
This directory contains device files like partitions of thr hard disk
For example : /dev/sda
This directory consists of the process files. The files in the /proc directory will change regularly.
This directory contains the emails, log files etc.
This directory is used to mount the file system under the removable media ex:cd rom
This directory contains media files like CD-ROM, pen drive etc.
This directory contains the library files used by the operating system.
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