Wednesday 27 November 2019

MySQL Functional Indexes

Since MySQL 5.7 one can put indexes on expressions, aka functional indexes, using generated columns. Basically you first need to use the generated column to define the functional expression, then indexed this column.

Quite useful when dealing with JSON functions, you can find an example here and the documentation there.
Starting with MySQL 8.0.13 we have now an easiest way to create functional indexes (or functional key parts as mentioned in the documentation) \o/
Let’s see how with a quick practical example.
Below salaries table structure:
It contains some data
Let’s focus on the following query:
SELECT * FROM salaries WHERE YEAR(to_date)=1985
We have a full table scan ( type: ALL), meaning no index is used. Perhaps because there is no index on column to_date… šŸ˜‰
So let’s add an index on to_date !
And run again the query with the hope of a better execution plan
Ouch! Still have a full table scan !
The index can’t be used because of the use of a function (YEAR()) on the indexed column (to_date).
BTW if you’re really surprise, maybe you should read thisšŸ˜‰
This is the case when you need a functional index!
The syntax is very similar of the creation of a “regular” index. Although you must be aware of the double parentheses: (( <expression> ))
We can now see our new index named idx_year_to_date and the indexed expression year(to_date) :
Let’s test our query again
Here we go!
Now the query is able to use the index. And in this case we have a positive impact on the execution time.
It is also interesting to note that it is possible to use idx_to_date, the first index created (the non functional one) if we can rewrite the original query:
This saves an index, I mean less indexes to maintain for the engine. Also speaking of maintenance cost, the cost to maintain a functional index is higher than the cost of a regular one.

In the other side the execution plan is less good (query cost higher) and obviously you must rewrite the query.

Requirements and restrictions.

A primary key cannot be a functional index:
You can not index non-deterministic functions (RAND(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), NOW()…)
SPATIAL and FULLTEXT indexes cannot have functional key parts.


Functional index is an interesting and a relevant feature, it could be very useful to optimize your queries without rewrite them and especially when dealing with JSON documents and other complex types.
Obviously all the details you must know are in the MySQL documentation: Functional Key Parts
If you interested in the high level architecture and the low level design please read the workload.


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