Tuesday 2 June 2015

Database abstraction class Database abstraction class

    *    All class variables are private as they
    *    should only be manipulated using accessor methods.
    private $conn; // Connection variable
    var $server = 'localhost'; // Default server
    var $username = 'root'; // Default user
    var $password = 'hellomysqldb'; // Default pass
    var $database = 'pradanbudget'; // Default db name
    private $result; // Result of the last query
    private $q_str; // Last query string
    private $q_count = 0; // Query count

    *    Constructor, here we set all connection based variables.
/*    public function __construct(){
            $this->server = $server;
            $this->username = $username;
            $this->password = $password;
            $this->database = $database;
    *    Destructor, the cleanup method called on script end.
    public function __destruct(){
        // Clean up, not really needed as PHP does this on script end
        $this->free(); // Free result

    *    The connection method is only called if required.
    function conn(){
        if(!$this->conn){ // If there is no existing connection
            $this->conn = @mysql_connect($this->server, $this->username, $this->password); // Make connection
            if(!$this->conn){ // If there is no connection after trying to connect
                throw new Exception('Can\'t establish a connection to the database, check your connection variables.');            }
            $db = @mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->conn); // Select the database
            if(!$db){ // If script cannot find the database
                throw new Exception('Can\'t find the database, check your connection variables.');            }
    *    Our main query method. This method calls the connection method
    *    to establish a connection, this is the "lazy loading" feature
    *    in practice.
    public function query($q_str){
 //echo $q_str;
        $this->conn(); // Lazy loading
         $this->q_str = $q_str; // Store query string
         $this->result = mysql_query($q_str, $this->conn); // Run the query
        if(!$this->result){ // Failed Query
  return $this->error();
            //throw new Exception('Failed Query "'.$q_str.'" Error: '.$this->error());
        }else{ // Success
            $this->q_count++; // One more successful query
            return $this->result; // Return the result
    *    The insert function here is an interesting one because of
    *    how it works. The first perameter is the table you wish to
    *    insert data into and the second is an associative array.
    *    The key is a string defining the column of the table to input
    *    into and the value being the information to input.
    public function insert($table, $arr = array()){
        *    Cleaning the key allows the developer to insert the entire
        *    $_POST array should he wish to and still be safe from attacks.
        $keys = '`'.implode("`, `", $this->clean(array_keys($arr))).'`';
        // Values should always be cleaned
        $values = "'".implode("', '", $this->clean(array_values($arr)))."'";
        // Build the query string
       $q_str = "INSERT INTO `".$table."` (".$keys.") VALUES (".$values.")";
        return $this->query($q_str); // Execute
    public function insertMulti($table, $arr = array()){
        *    Cleaning the key allows the developer to insert the entire
        *    $_POST array should he wish to and still be safe from attacks.
        $keys = '`'.implode("`, `", $this->clean(array_keys($arr[0]))).'`';
        // Values should always be cleaned
  for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
  $rows[$i] = "'".implode("', '", $this->clean(array_values($arr[$i])))."'";
  $values = "(" . implode( '),(', $rows ) . ")";
        // Build the query string
       $q_str = "INSERT INTO `".$table."` (".$keys.") VALUES $values";
        return $this->query($q_str); // Execute
    public function insertMultiZero($table, $arr = array()){
        *    Cleaning the key allows the developer to insert the entire
        *    $_POST array should he wish to and still be safe from attacks.
        $keys = '`'.implode("`, `", $this->clean(array_keys($arr[0]))).'`';
        // Values should always be cleaned
  for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
   $val = '';
   $arrSpace = array_count_values(array_values($arr[$i]));
   if($arrSpace[$val] != 2)
   $rows[$i] = "'".implode("', '", $this->clean(array_values($arr[$i])))."'";
  $values = "(" . implode( '),(', $rows ) . ")";
        // Build the query string
       $q_str = "INSERT INTO `".$table."` (".$keys.") VALUES $values";
        return $this->query($q_str); // Execute
  public function insert3DAry($table, $arr = array()){
        *    Cleaning the key allows the developer to insert the entire
        *    $_POST array should he wish to and still be safe from attacks.
  $keys = '`'.implode("`, `", array_keys($arr[0][0])).'`';
  $keysarray = array_keys($arr[0][0]);
        // Values should always be cleaned
  for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
   for($j = 0; $j < count($arr[$i]); $j++)
    $val = '';
      if($k == 0) 
    $rows[] = $val;
  $values = "(" . implode( '),(', $rows ) . ")";
        // Build the query string
        $q_str = "INSERT INTO `".$table."` (".$keys.") VALUES $values";
        return $this->query($q_str); // Execute
  public function insert3DAryZero($table, $arr = array()){
        *    Cleaning the key allows the developer to insert the entire
        *    $_POST array should he wish to and still be safe from attacks.
  $keys = '`'.implode("`, `", array_keys($arr[0][0])).'`';
  $keysarray = array_keys($arr[0][0]);
        // Values should always be cleaned
  for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
   for($j = 0; $j < count($arr[$i]); $j++)
    $val = '';
    $flag = 0;
    //echo count($keysarray).'<br>';
      if($k == 0) 
    if($arr[$i][$j][$keysarray[$k]] == '')
     $flag = 1;
    //echo $flag.'flag'.$i;
    if($flag == 0)
     $rows[] = $val;
    //echo '<br>';
  $values = "(" . implode( '),(', $rows ) . ")";
        // Build the query string
        $q_str = "INSERT INTO `".$table."` (".$keys.") VALUES $values";
        return $this->query($q_str); // Execute
 /*Functions to insert the 3d array values and insert the only non empty values*/
  public function insert3DAryZeroOne($table, $arr = array()){
        *    Cleaning the key allows the developer to insert the entire
        *    $_POST array should he wish to and still be safe from attacks.
  $keys = '`'.implode("`, `", array_keys($arr[0][0])).'`';
  $keysarray = array_keys($arr[0][0]);
        // Values should always be cleaned
  for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
   for($j = 0; $j < count($arr[$i]); $j++)
    $val = '';
    $flag = 0;
    //echo count($keysarray).'<br>';
      if($k == 0) 
     if($arr[$i][$j][$keysarray[$k]] == '')
    //echo $flag.'flag'.$i;
    if($flag < 2)
     $rows[] = $val;
    //echo '<br>';
  $values = "(" . implode( '),(', $rows ) . ")";
        // Build the query string
        $q_str = "INSERT INTO `".$table."` (".$keys.") VALUES $values";
        return $this->query($q_str); // Execute
    *    The update method works much in the same way as the insert
    *    method, except it takes an additional perameter which is the
    *    WHERE clause of the SQL query string which can be a string or
    *    an array coupled with the $andor perameter.
    public function update($table, $arr = array(), $where = false, $andor = 'AND'){
        // Start the query string
         $q_str = "UPDATE `".$table."` SET ";
        // Build the SET part of the query string
        foreach($arr as $key => $value){
            $q_str .= '`'.$this->clean($key)."` = '".$this->clean($value)."', ";
        $q_str = rtrim($q_str, ', ');
        // Add WHERE clause if given
        if(is_array($where) && count($where) > 0){
            foreach($where as $key => $value){
                $w_str .= '`'.$this->clean($key)."` = '".$this->clean($value)."' ".$andor." ";
            $w_str = rtrim($w_str, $andor.' '); // Trim the last AND/OR off
            $q_str .= " WHERE ".$w_str;
        }elseif(is_string($where) && strlen($where) > 0){
            $q_str .= " WHERE ".$where;
       // echo $q_str;
        return $this->query($q_str); // Execute
    public function delete($table,$where){
        // Start the query string
     $q_str = "DELETE FROM `".$table."` WHERE ".$where;
       //echo $q_str;
        $this->query($q_str); // Execute
    *    This function takes an associative array from the database
    *    and then stores each value in another array. The sole reason
    *    for this is so that the returned array from this method may
    *    be called in a foreach loop. Handy for templating systems.
    public function arr(){
        if(!$this->result){ // Require a previous query
            throw new Exception('You cannot call the arr() method without first making a query.');
        // Store in another array
        while($arr = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result)){
            $newarr[] = $arr;
        return $newarr;
    public function fetchArray(){
        if(!$this->result){ // Require a previous query
            throw new Exception('You cannot call the arr() method without first making a query.');
        // Store in another array
        $arr = @mysql_fetch_array($this->result);
        return $arr;
 /*This function will return max field value from specified table acc to specified condition*/
    public function qryMax($table,$field,$where)
        // Start the query string
         $q_str = "SELECT MAX(`".$field."`) cd FROM `".$table."` ".$where;
         $this->conn(); // Lazy loading
         $this->q_str = $q_str; // Store query string
         $this->result = mysql_query($q_str, $this->conn); // Run the query
        if(!$this->result){ // Failed Query
  return $this->error();
            //throw new Exception('Failed Query "'.$q_str.'" Error: '.$this->error());
        }else{ // Success 
   $arr = @mysql_fetch_array($this->result);
            return $arr[cd]; // Return the result
    *    The purpose of this method is to take a query string,
    *    execute it and return a single value from the database.
    public function single($q_str){
        $this->query($q_str); // Execute the query
        $arr = $this->arr(); // Take the array
            *    Because we store the assoc array in another array
            *    we have to "shift" it twice to get the single value.
            $value = array_shift($arr);
            $value = array_shift($value);
            return $value;
            // Fail
            return false;
    *    This method will take a given table name and return an integer
    *    counting the rows within the table.
    public function count($table){ // yes, we're using a native php function name...
            return 0;
        $count = $this->single("SELECT count(*) FROM `".$table."`");
        return intval($count);
    *    This is a standard "clean" method used to make sure
    *    query strings are safe.
    public function clean($input){
        $this->conn(); // Requires a connection to determine charset of db
            foreach($input as $key => $str){
                $arr[$this->clean($key)] = $this->clean($str); // Call self this time with a string
            return $arr;
            if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ // If magic quotes is set to on
                $input = stripslashes($input); // Undo what magic quotes did
            if(!is_numeric($input)){ // Only if not numeric
                $input = mysql_real_escape_string($input, $this->conn); // Escape
        return $input;
    *    Gets the id from the last INSERT query.
    public function id(){
        $result = @mysql_insert_id($this->conn);
            throw new Exception('Failed getting last insert id. Error: '.$this->error());
            return $result;
    *    Counts number of rows in last query.
    public function num(){
        if(!$this->result){ // Require a previous query
            throw new Exception('You cannot call the num() method without first making a query.');
        $num = mysql_num_rows($this->result);
        return $num;
    *    Shows the amount of affected rows in last query.
    public function affected(){
        if(!$this->result){ // Require a previous query
            throw new Exception('You cannot call the affected() method without first making a query.');
        $rows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn);
        return $rows;
    *    Frees the memory used by the result
    public function free(){
            return mysql_free_result($this->result);
    *    Returns a mysql generated error.
    public function error(){
        return mysql_error($this->conn);
    *    Closes the mysql connection.
    public function close(){
            return mysql_close($this->conn);
    *    Returns the last stored query string
    public function q_str(){
        return $this->q_str;
    *    Returns the amount of queries ran.
    public function q_count(){
        return $this->q_count;
    *    Returns the list data
 * $q_str -> Qry to fetch list data and first field in query is code
 * $listHead -> Heading of list screen
 * $headingList -> Headings to be display in screen
 * $tblWidth -> width of table
 * $modFile -> Name of the file which should be opened in modify mode(ex:'filename.php?code=')
 * $hyperPos -> hyper link position after S.No(Mention number like 1 or 2 etc)
 * $CdDisplay -> this is true or false(If it is true code will be display in screen otherwise not)
 * $delPos -> if it is not empty delete check box will display on screen
 * $arry -> array of codes for which delete check box should be disable
 * $css -> array of alignment of list data
 public function listData($q_str,$listHead,$headingList,$tblWidth,$modFile,$hyperPos,$CdDisplay,$delPos,$arry,$css)
  $headings = explode(',',$headingList);
  $tblDisplay = '<h3 align="center">'.$listHead.'</h3><table width="$tblWidth" align = "center" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">
        $this->conn(); // Lazy loading
        $this->q_str = $q_str; // Store query string
  //echo $this->q_str;
        $this->result = mysql_query($q_str, $this->conn); // Run the query
  $noFields = mysql_num_fields($this->result);
        if(!$this->result){ // Failed Query
            throw new Exception('Failed Query "'.$q_str.'" Error: '.$this->error());
        }else{ // Success
        // Store in another array
  $k=($CdDisplay == 'false') ? 1 : 0;
  if(mysql_num_rows($this->result) > 0)
  while($arr = @mysql_fetch_array($this->result,MYSQL_BOTH))
    foreach($headings as $key => $value){
     $tblDisplay .= "<th align = 'center'>".$value."</th>";
    $tblDisplay .= "</tr>";
   $tblDisplay .= "<tr><td align='center'>$i</td>";
   $maxval = ($k==1 ? (count($headings)-2) : (count($headings)-3));//(count($headings)-2)
     if($arr[$j] == '' || $arr[$j] == '0')
      $arr[$j] = '--';
      $tblDisplay .= "<td><a title='Click to modify' href=$modFile";
      $tblDisplay .= "$arr[0]>$arr[$j]</a></td>";
      $tblDisplay .= "<td align='$css[$j]'>$arr[$j]</td>";
   if($delPos != '')
    if (in_array($arr[0], $arry))
     $disabld = 'disabled';
     $disabld = ''; 
    $tblDisplay .= "<td align='center'><input type='checkbox' name='chkDel[]' value='$arr[0]' $disabld></td>";
   $tblDisplay .= "</tr>";
   $tblDisplay .= "</table>";
   $tblDisplay.="<center><h3>No data exists</h3></center>";
  return $tblDisplay;
$db = new db();


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