Tuesday 10 November 2015

Killing all running queries on MySQL

On occasion you might need to kill all currently running queries against your MySQL server, without having to restart the service.

I do a lot of work on ETL (Extract Transform Load) applications, where you may have very long-running queries hanging around locking resources required by your data loader, that you will want to kill before starting a new data load.

Another scenario is where you have an application that is misbehaving by issuing many queries that are impacting other users of the MySQL server: so long as each application is connecting using a different MySQL user account (this should be a given), you can kill the queries for just that user.

MySQL greater than version 5.1, it will store the process ID of each client connection running a query in the information_schema database. We can query this database, then build up a series of KILL statements dynamically to kill each running query. Here is the main statement:

mysql> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('KILL QUERY ',id,';') SEPARATOR ' ') FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE user <> 'system user' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/killqueries.sql';

One you run that, check the contents of the /tmp/killqueries.sql in another terminal you should see something like this:

-bash-4.1$ cat /tmp/killqueries.sql

Back at your MySQL prompt, you can now run that script directly:

mysql> SOURCE /tmp/killqueries.sql

Finally, if you only want to kill the queries belonging to a specific MySQL user account, you can modify the original query like so:

mysql> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('KILL QUERY ',id,';') SEPARATOR ' ') FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE user = 'baduser' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/killqueries.sql';


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