lets say you have a file where you want to insert a string into an existing file at a specific location.
put a key into the file where you want the new text appear, i.e.:
then use this function to insert the new data at this keypoint
insert at specific location” makes use of the built-in PHP functions file_exists( ), is_writeable( ), filesize( ), clearstatcache( ), fopen( ), fread( ), strpos( ), fclose( ), ftruncate( ), strtr( ) and fwrite( ).
/* Description:
| lets say you have a file where you want to insert a string into an existing file
| at a specific location. put a key into the file where you want the new text
| appear, i.e.: ###INSERTHERE### then use this function to insert the new data at
| this keypoint
| function insert_string_in_file
| expects: $file - required [path] to the file you want to work with
| $insert_point - required [string] which should be acted on
| $string - required [string] which should be inserted
| $return - optional [bool] returns message if true, true|false if not
| $position - optional [string] before|after - default is replace
| returns: [string] with status message
function insert_string_in_file($file,$insert_point,$string,$return=FALSE,$position='')
// check if file exists
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - file ('.$file.') does not exist' : FALSE);
// check if file is writeable
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - file ('.$file.') is not writeable' : FALSE);
// contruct insertion scheme
// if nothing specified, replace the insertion point with string
$replacement[$insert_point] = $string;
if($position == 'before')
// insert the string before the insertion point
$replacement[$insert_point] = $string.$insert_point;
}elseif($position == 'after')
// insert the string after the insertion point
$replacement[$insert_point] = $insert_point.$string;
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - position ('.$position.') is invalid -
use "before" or "after"' : FALSE);
// check filelenght
$filesize = filesize($file);
if($filesize == 0)
return ($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - file ('.$file.') is empty' : FALSE);
// open file for read and write access
if(!$handle = fopen($file, 'r+'))
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - cannot open file ('.$file.')' : FALSE);
$old_contents = fread($handle, $filesize);
// insert string at the insertion point
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - insertion point ('.$insert_point.') not found' : FALSE);
$new_contents = strtr($old_contents,$replacement);
// write new content to file
if(fwrite($handle, $new_contents) === FALSE)
return ($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - cannot write to file ('.$file.')' : FALSE);
return($return === TRUE ? 'SUCCESS - your string was inserted' : TRUE);
// use like
$the_file = 'path/to/file.txt';
$insert_key = '###INSERTHERE###';
$new_data = ' your text to insert';
// insert string before insertion point and get verbose messages
echo insert_string_in_file($the_file,$insert_key,$new_data,TRUE,'before').'<br />';
$new_data = ' should be here';
// simply replace insertion point
echo $insert_key.' was replaced by '.$new_data.' in the file '.$the_file.'.';
echo 'insertion failed<br />';
put a key into the file where you want the new text appear, i.e.:
then use this function to insert the new data at this keypoint
insert at specific location” makes use of the built-in PHP functions file_exists( ), is_writeable( ), filesize( ), clearstatcache( ), fopen( ), fread( ), strpos( ), fclose( ), ftruncate( ), strtr( ) and fwrite( ).
/* Description:
| lets say you have a file where you want to insert a string into an existing file
| at a specific location. put a key into the file where you want the new text
| appear, i.e.: ###INSERTHERE### then use this function to insert the new data at
| this keypoint
| function insert_string_in_file
| expects: $file - required [path] to the file you want to work with
| $insert_point - required [string] which should be acted on
| $string - required [string] which should be inserted
| $return - optional [bool] returns message if true, true|false if not
| $position - optional [string] before|after - default is replace
| returns: [string] with status message
function insert_string_in_file($file,$insert_point,$string,$return=FALSE,$position='')
// check if file exists
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - file ('.$file.') does not exist' : FALSE);
// check if file is writeable
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - file ('.$file.') is not writeable' : FALSE);
// contruct insertion scheme
// if nothing specified, replace the insertion point with string
$replacement[$insert_point] = $string;
if($position == 'before')
// insert the string before the insertion point
$replacement[$insert_point] = $string.$insert_point;
}elseif($position == 'after')
// insert the string after the insertion point
$replacement[$insert_point] = $insert_point.$string;
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - position ('.$position.') is invalid -
use "before" or "after"' : FALSE);
// check filelenght
$filesize = filesize($file);
if($filesize == 0)
return ($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - file ('.$file.') is empty' : FALSE);
// open file for read and write access
if(!$handle = fopen($file, 'r+'))
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - cannot open file ('.$file.')' : FALSE);
$old_contents = fread($handle, $filesize);
// insert string at the insertion point
return($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - insertion point ('.$insert_point.') not found' : FALSE);
$new_contents = strtr($old_contents,$replacement);
// write new content to file
if(fwrite($handle, $new_contents) === FALSE)
return ($return === TRUE ? 'ERROR - cannot write to file ('.$file.')' : FALSE);
return($return === TRUE ? 'SUCCESS - your string was inserted' : TRUE);
// use like
$the_file = 'path/to/file.txt';
$insert_key = '###INSERTHERE###';
$new_data = ' your text to insert';
// insert string before insertion point and get verbose messages
echo insert_string_in_file($the_file,$insert_key,$new_data,TRUE,'before').'<br />';
$new_data = ' should be here';
// simply replace insertion point
echo $insert_key.' was replaced by '.$new_data.' in the file '.$the_file.'.';
echo 'insertion failed<br />';
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