Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Load columnar text file into MySQL table

Load columnar text file into MySQL table
Ever come across a situation where you have to load a flat text file into MySQL with data provided in single column!
Say, your data to be loaded in table looks something like this:
Street Name
City, MyState 8582
Another Street 2
New City, NWSTATE 8582
So how’d you go about loading a text file into MySQL where field values are given in a single column!!
In the above sample, data has fields like company-name, address-1, address-2 and phone given in a text file line by line.
Ofcourse you can write a piece of code in your choice of language: perl, shell, python…
But can you do this by sheer power of MySQL by using some commands or functions only?
Well, normally you will have to have a script for such data to be inserted into database. We always prefer the raw data / text file in the csv / tab separated (columns) file(s), which you can directly load to MySQL table as explained in my previous article:
But that’s not the case here. And hence I have a workaround to share. With little more efforts you can also automate / scriptize this. [ I’m feeling bit lazy now. ðŸ˜‰ ]
Follow these steps:
– Save above data in a file [say c:/main.txt considering windows]
– Connect to MySQL through commad prompt
– Create a main table to load all data to process later.
drop table if exists main; create table main ( id integer not null auto_increment primary key,alldata varchar(100), type int );
– Load data to MySQL table:
load data local infile 'C:/mainfile.txt' into table main lines terminated by '\r\n' (alldata) set id=null;
set @var=0;update main set type=if(id mod 4 = 1,@var:=@var+1,@var);
– Create table as per your requirement:
create table company_details (
company varchar(100),
street varchar(100),
citystatezip varchar(100),
phone varchar(100) );
– Generate insert statement:
select concat("insert into company_details (company,street,citystatezip,phone) values (", my_values, ");") from (select group_concat('"',alldata,'"') my_values from main group by type) X;
you may alternatively redirect this data to a txt file and load it back to mysql!
put above query in sql :
mysql -uroot -ppassword database < generate_insert_query.sql > inserts.sql
Finally load thus generated inserts to MySQL database table.
mysql -uroot -ppassword database < inserts.sql


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