I have this huge, messy database I am cleaning up. It houses 500+ tables, which is the result of combining Magento Enterprise with Joomla in one single DB.
To make things worse, there is a set of 70+ Joomla tables that are not in use at all. These are all prefixed with
Just deleting these
tables will be easy, but I want to 'bak' them up first (see what I did there?). In my mind I can picture a command like this:mysqldump -u username -p mydatabase bak_*
But this doesn't work. What would be the best way to do this? Thanks!
EDIT: Yes, I could explicitly list the 70 tables to include, or the ~430 tables to exclude, but I am looking for a better way to do this, if possible.
You can specify table names on the command line one after the other, but without wildcards.
mysqldump databasename table1 table2 table3
You can also use
if that would be shorter.
Another idea is to get the tables into a file with something like
mysql -N information_schema -e "select table_name from tables where table_schema = 'databasename' and table_name like 'bak_%'" > tables.txt
Edit the file and get all the databases onto one line. Then do
mysqldump dbname `cat tables.txt` > dump_file.sql
To drop tables in one line (not recommended) you can do the following
mysql -NB information_schema -e "select table_name from tables where table_name like 'bak_%'" | xargs -I"{}" mysql dbname -e "DROP TABLE {}"
My favorite:
mysqldump DBNAME $(mysql -D DBNAME -Bse "show tables like 'wp_%'") > FILENAME.sql
All the answers take nearly the same approach, but this is the most concise syntax.
There are already a lot of good answers, but I came here with such variation:
mysql MY_DATABASE -N -u MY_MYSQLUSER -p -e 'show tables like "%MY_LIKE_CODE%";' |
xargs mysqldump MY_DATABASE -u MY_MYSQLUSER -p |
gzip > ~/backup/`date +%Y%m%d:::%H:%M:%S-MY_DAMP.sql.gz`
By this action I made a table dump by the mask like %mask% from the database to a single file. Hopefully someone will find it useful.
Building on some of the other nice answers here, I created shell script to make this even easier. This script generates 3 files in the output - one with the structure for all tables, one with the data for all non-excluded tables, and one with the data for all "excluded" tables (you could comment this out if you really don't need it). Then you can use which one(s) you need.
echo -n "DB Password: "
read -s PASSWORD
MAIN_TABLES=$(mysql -h $HOST -u $USER -p$PASSWORD -D $DATABASE -Bse "SHOW TABLES WHERE Tables_in_dashboard NOT LIKE 'bigtable_%';")
STATS_TABLES=$(mysql -h $HOST -u $USER -p$PASSWORD -D $DATABASE -Bse "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'bigtable_%';")
echo "Dumping structure..."
mysqldump -h $HOST -u $USER -p$PASSWORD $DATABASE --no-data | gzip > structure.sql.gz
echo "Dumping main data..."
mysqldump -h $HOST -u $USER -p$PASSWORD $DATABASE --no-create-info $MAIN_TABLES | gzip > data.sql.gz
echo "Dumping big table data..."
mysqldump -h $HOST -u $USER -p$PASSWORD $DATABASE --no-create-info $STATS_TABLES | gzip > big_table_data.sql.gz
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