Monday 12 November 2018

MySQL Orderby a number, Nulls last

Currently I am doing a very basic OrderBy in my statement.
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE visible=1 ORDER BY position ASC, id DESC
The problem with this is that NULL entries for 'position' are treated as 0. Therefore all entries with position as NULL appear before those with 1,2,3,4. eg:
NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 2, 3, 4
Is there a way to achieve the following ordering:
1, 2, 3, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL.


MySQL has an undocumented syntax to sort nulls last. Place a minus sign (-) before 
the column name and switch the ASC to DESC:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE visible=1 ORDER BY -position DESC, id DESC
It is essentially the inverse of position DESC placing the NULL values last but 
otherwise the same as position ASC.

Something like
SELECT * FROM tablename where visible=1 ORDER BY COALESCE(position, 999999999) 
Replace 999999999 with what ever the max value for the field is

You can coalesce your NULLs in the ORDER BY statement:
select * from tablename
where <conditions>
order by
    coalesce(position, 0) ASC, 
    id DESC
If you want the NULLs to sort on the bottom, try coalesce(position, 100000)
(Make the second number bigger than all of the other position's in the db.)

For a DATE column you can use:

NULLS last:
ORDER BY IFNULL(`myDate`, '9999-12-31') ASC
Blanks last:
ORDER BY IF(`myDate` = '', '9999-12-31', `myDate`) ASC

SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY id IS NULL, id ASC


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