Friday 9 November 2018

mysql separating tables

I made a mistake and i have to split 1 table into 2. i have a product table and i need category table. when i started i only had 1 category per product but not (with new business requirement) i need the ability to put a product in multiple category.
i have a product tables that has a category in it.
here's the table:
product (id, name, category, price etc...)
now, how can i efficiently migrate this without make my site offline?
i have lamp on centos


First make sure your categories are unique. Make sure you don't have something like:
productx and produtx
Otherwise, when you will inserts bad categories.
You will have to do it in step:
1) Creating the table category
CREATE TABLE `category` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'General',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
Create the intersection table since a product can be in multiple category and a category can have multiple product.
CREATE TABLE `product_category` (
  `product_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `category_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY product_category (`product_id`,`category_id`)
2) inserts the categories into the table.
INSERT IGNORE INTO category SELECT DISTINCT category from product;
This will insert non duplicate categories into the category table with a unique id.
Now, you have to inserts these records in the
INSERT IGNORE INTO `product_category` SELECT `product`.`id` AS `product_id`, `category`.`id` AS `category_id` FROM `category` LEFT JOIN `product` ON (`category`.`name` = `product`.`category`);
3) Now you have to modify your code in order to use the right query: Example:
 /* your fields */
INNER JOIN product_category ON ( = product_category.product_id)
INNER JOIN category ON ( = product_category.category_id)
4) Now, when you feel comfortable with your code changes, you can drop the unused column:
ALTER TABLE product DROP COLUMN category;

INSERT INTO new_table_name ("product", "category")
SELECT id, category
FROM product;
Then add a foriegn key constraint on id in new_table_name which references the original product table. After this you can alter table product drop column column_name.


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