Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Rank function in MySQL

I am not an expert in MySQL . I need to find out rank of customers. 
Here I am adding the corresponding ANSI standard SQL query for my requirement. 
Please help me to convert it to MySQL .
 SELECT RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Gender ORDER BY Age) AS [Partition by Gender], 
 FROM Person
Is there any function to find out rank in MySQL?


One option is to use a ranking variable, such as the following:
SELECT    first_name,
          @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS rank
FROM      person p, (SELECT @curRank := 0) r
ORDER BY  age;
The (SELECT @curRank := 0) part allows the variable initialization without requiring 
a separate SET command.
Test case:
CREATE TABLE person (id int, first_name varchar(20), age int, gender char(1));

INSERT INTO person VALUES (1, 'Bob', 25, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (2, 'Jane', 20, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (3, 'Jack', 30, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (4, 'Bill', 32, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (5, 'Nick', 22, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (6, 'Kathy', 18, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (7, 'Steve', 36, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (8, 'Anne', 25, 'F');
| first_name | age  | gender | rank |
| Kathy      |   18 | F      |    1 |
| Jane       |   20 | F      |    2 |
| Nick       |   22 | M      |    3 |
| Bob        |   25 | M      |    4 |
| Anne       |   25 | F      |    5 |
| Jack       |   30 | M      |    6 |
| Bill       |   32 | M      |    7 |
| Steve      |   36 | M      |    8 |
8 rows in set (0.02 sec)

While the most upvoted answer ranks, it doesn't partition, You can do a self Join to 
get the whole thing partitioned also:
SELECT    a.first_name,
        count(b.age)+1 as rank
FROM  person a left join person b on a.age>b.age and a.gender=b.gender 
group by  a.first_name,
Use Case
CREATE TABLE person (id int, first_name varchar(20), age int, gender char(1));

INSERT INTO person VALUES (1, 'Bob', 25, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (2, 'Jane', 20, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (3, 'Jack', 30, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (4, 'Bill', 32, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (5, 'Nick', 22, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (6, 'Kathy', 18, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (7, 'Steve', 36, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (8, 'Anne', 25, 'F');
Bill    32  M   4
Bob     25  M   2
Jack    30  M   3
Nick    22  M   1
Steve   36  M   5
Anne    25  F   3
Jane    20  F   2
Kathy   18  F   1

Combination of Daniel's and Salman's answer. However the rank will not give as 
continues sequence with ties exists . Instead it skips the rank to next. So maximum 
always reach row count.
    SELECT    first_name,
              IF(age=@_last_age,@curRank:=@curRank,@curRank:=@_sequence) AS rank,
    FROM      person p, (SELECT @curRank := 1, @_sequence:=1, @_last_age:=0) r
    ORDER BY  age;
Schema and Test Case:
CREATE TABLE person (id int, first_name varchar(20), age int, gender char(1));

INSERT INTO person VALUES (1, 'Bob', 25, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (2, 'Jane', 20, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (3, 'Jack', 30, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (4, 'Bill', 32, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (5, 'Nick', 22, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (6, 'Kathy', 18, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (7, 'Steve', 36, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (8, 'Anne', 25, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (9, 'Kamal', 25, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (10, 'Saman', 32, 'M');
| first_name | age  | gender | rank | @_sequence:=@_sequence+1 | @_last_age:=age |
| Kathy      |   18 | F      |    1 |                        2 |              18 |
| Jane       |   20 | F      |    2 |                        3 |              20 |
| Nick       |   22 | M      |    3 |                        4 |              22 |
| Kamal      |   25 | M      |    4 |                        5 |              25 |
| Anne       |   25 | F      |    4 |                        6 |              25 |
| Bob        |   25 | M      |    4 |                        7 |              25 |
| Jack       |   30 | M      |    7 |                        8 |              30 |
| Bill       |   32 | M      |    8 |                        9 |              32 |
| Saman      |   32 | M      |    8 |                       10 |              32 |
| Steve      |   36 | M      |   10 |                       11 |              36 |

If you want to rank just one person you can do the following:
WHERE(Age < age_to_rank)
This ranking corresponds to the oracle RANK function (Where if you have people with the 
same age they get the same rank, and the ranking after that is non-consecutive).
It's a little bit faster than using one of the above solutions in a sub query and selecting from
 that to get the ranking of one person.
This can be used to rank everyone but it's slower than the above solutions.
  Age AS age_var,
  FROM Person
  WHERE (Age < age_var)
 ) AS rank
 FROM Person


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